Top 5 VoC Tools Adapting to Emerging Market Trends

David Pop


min read

In a market landscape that pulsates with the dynamic rhythm of consumer demands and expectations, staying tuned to the Voice of the Customer (VoC) isn’t an easy task. The nuanced echo of customer sentiments, if captured and analyzed aptly, wields the power not just to shape product offerings but to realign business strategies with market realities fundamentally.

It's within this premise that we venture into the realm of VoC tools, which stand at the forefront in harnessing valuable customer insights.

As we stand on the point of a technological renaissance not just within the VoC field but in general in the technology sector, spearheaded by innovations in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Natural Language Processing (NLP), and automation, the same question might arise multiple times if you really want to ease your workflow: which VoC tools are ready to adopt the future of Customer Experience and Voice of the Customer Specialists need?

Gartner’s Vision: Voice of The Customer Tools evolution

Gartner, a formidable name in the research and advisory ecosystem, unveiled a riveting projection that we already covered in another article, entitled "Future of Voice of Customer: The Next Big Shifts": by 2025, a significant 60% of organizations with VoC programs are poised to augment traditional surveys with the analytical prowess of voice and text interactions with customers. This strategic drift aims to lessen the dependency on traditional surveys, as they're perceived to offer less value in the grand tapestry of VoC data collection.

The spotlight is gradually shifting towards harnessing complex Natural Language Processing (NLP) to mine valuable insights from the diverse communicative exchanges—emails, messages, posts, and calls—between a company and its clientele.

This not only increases post-transaction analysis but opens the potential for real-time insights, significantly impacting customer experience at the key moment of interaction.

Unfolding the 2023 UXR Software Landscape Map

The 2023 UXR Software Landscape Map unfurls a categorized vista of tools, unveiling a vast and varied landscape where nearly 400 tools have been meticulously discovered and organized by their core research use cases. This diligent endeavor carves the way for ongoing insight collection, feedback inbox, automated feedback, and more, forming a robust foundation.

The objective transparency of this map is underlined by its data-driven approach, which reflects the popularity and relevance of the featured tools, drawing from a rich reservoir of data from the 2023 State of User Research and AI in UX Research reports. These reports encapsulate the insights from over 2,000 researchers, offering a data-rich narrative.

It emphasizes the critical role of ongoing insight collection tools like product analytics, Voice of the Customer, and automated in-app surveys in harnessing real-time data and insights from user interactions. The feedback inbox tools, on the other hand, usher in a paradigm where customers can share feedback at their discretion, thus enriching the qualitative data repository.

Voice of the Customer Technology Trends Envisioned by CX Today

CX Today, a bastion of customer experience insights, has cast a spotlight on the evolving trends sculpting the Voice of the Customer technology landscape. The narrative of CX Today underscores AI's burgeoning role in conversational analytics, the advent of hyper-personalization, the tidal wave of automation, and the alignment of tools for customer journey orchestration.

It delves into how real-time dashboards are morphing the agent-customer interaction narrative, emphasizing the proactive essence of modern VoC tools.

These trends along with the referenced sources offer a strong foundation for our exploration of the top 5 Voice of the Customer tools.

Top 5 Voice of Customer tools that meet future trends

As we segue into unveiling the top 5 Voice of Customer tools, it’s crucial to epitomize the synthesis of insights gleaned from Gartner’s foresight, the UX Research Tools Map 2023, and the trends highlighted by CX Today.

These tools represent the evolving principles of VoC programs, aligning with the emerging trends of real-time insight gathering, advanced analytics, and improving data usability across organizations.

Let's delve into these tools that not only meet the evolving needs of VoC programs but also showcase a robust promise for future growth.

1. ClientZen

ClientZen appears to be a promising tool that aligns with many of the evolving trends in Voice of the Customer tool and VoC technology. Below are some considerations based on the features of ClientZen and the future trends identified by Gartner, CX Today, and the UX Research Tools Map 2023.

Conversational Analytics and Real-Time Dashboards

ClientZen comes with a rich array of features, including Sentiment Analysis and Text Analysis, that are tailored to interpret customer sentiment from text and provide real-time insights. The emphasis on real-time dashboards, as highlighted by CX Today for optimizing customer experience initiatives, finds a harmonious alignment with ClientZen’s real-time sentiment analysis.

Automation and AI

On the frontier of Automation and AI, ClientZen's Customer Review Analysis tool leverages artificial intelligence to delve into customer sentiments, preferences, and pain points, thereby aligning with the trend of using AI for Conversational Analytics. Furthermore, the Mantra AI employed by ClientZen extends its capability to identify undetected topics and subtopics based on your Voice of the Customer data and customer feedback.


Venturing into the realm of Hyper-Personalization, the data harvested and analyzed by ClientZen opens a window to potentially tailoring services in alignment with customer sentiments and preferences. Although ClientZen doesn't house a specific feature to personalize the user journey, the manual utilization of their tool can still pave the way for this level of personalization.

Integration with Other Tools

In bridging the gap between various customer voice platforms, ClientZen securely integrates with a spectrum of platforms such as Intercom, Zendesk, Typeform, Slack, Hubspot, G2, Drift, Trustpilot, and many more without the demand for coding skills. This seamless integration capability echoes the trend of Aligned Tools for Customer Journey Orchestration as pinpointed by CX Today and several other sources that focuses on predicting the future needs of VoC specialists.

Enhanced Product & Service Insights

Pivoting towards Enhanced Product & Service Insights, ClientZen shines a light on deeper understanding through the analysis of customer reviews, which augments the understanding of the customer journey, aligning with the trend of orchestrating the customer journey. Thanks to its advance segmentation option and MRR tracking you can focus on product and service enhancement on the client value level, giving you the flexibility to prioritize issues based on their revenue impact or customer value.

Predictive Insights

Navigating the realm of Predictive Insights, although not explicitly mentioned, features like Release Tracking offered by ClientZen, which forecasts trends based on customer reactions to new releases, may align with the emerging trend of predictive analysis in VoC technology.

Survey Analysis

Lastly, delving into Survey Analysis, ClientZen unveils a platform to extract meaningful and impactful insights from surveys, supplementing traditional surveys as envisaged by Gartner.

ClientZen emerges as a standout tool in the Voice of the Customer technology landscape, encapsulating a vast array of features that meticulously align with the future trends identified. Its proficiency in real-time sentiment analysis, conversational analytics, and robust integration capabilities underscore its readiness to meet the evolving demands of Voice of Customer programs.

Furthermore, its initiative in offering a free tool for analyzing VoC data showcases its commitment to providing value to businesses keen on elevating their customer understanding.

With a fine blend of innovative features and a user-centric approach, ClientZen markedly positions itself as a top-tier choice for businesses looking to significantly enhance their Voice of the Customer initiatives.

2. SurveyMonkey

SurveyMonkey is a versatile survey software solution that has been a staple in the industry for gathering insights through surveys. Its rich feature set and extensive customization options make it a top choice for many businesses aiming to understand their customers better.

Survey Analysis

SurveyMonkey stands as a versatile survey software solution that has rooted its presence in the industry as a go-to platform for gathering insights through surveys. Its rich tapestry of features coupled with extensive customization options propels it to the forefront for many businesses aspiring to delve deeper into the psyche of their customers.

Conversational Analytics and Real-Time Dashboards

Embarking on the journey of Conversational Analytics and Real-Time Dashboards, SurveyMonkey unveils real-time customer analytics. This feature not only provides a real-time pulse of customer sentiments but might also be a platform for businesses to react promptly to customer feedback.


Navigating the waters of Automation and AI, SurveyMonkey houses automation features for both survey distribution and analysis. This alignment with the automation trend, as highlighted by CX Today, sets a tone of efficiency and time-saving in gathering and analyzing customer feedback, which is indispensable in today's fast-paced business environment.


Steering towards Hyper-Personalization, the capabilities of SurveyMonkey in tailoring surveys might be a path to hyper-personalization, although this might not be enough to keep up with future demands. This allows businesses to tailor their outreach and questions to resonate with the unique needs and preferences of different customer segments.

Integration with Other Tools

On the frontier of Integration with Other Tools, the integration prowess of SurveyMonkey with various platforms echoes the trend of Aligned Tools for Customer Journey Orchestration. This seamless integration facilitates a cohesive workflow, ensuring that the voice of the customer is echoed across various platforms within the organization.

Enhanced Product & Service Insights

Pivoting towards Enhanced Product & Service Insights, the comprehensive survey analytics provided by SurveyMonkey shines a light on enhanced product and service insights. This alignment with the trend of understanding and orchestrating the customer journey empowers businesses to refine their offerings in sync with customer feedback.

Predictive Insights

Treading lightly on Predictive Insights, although not explicitly a predictive tool, the analytics armory of SurveyMonkey can unveil insights pivotal in anticipating customer behaviors. This semblance of predictive insight, though not direct, can be a linchpin in understanding and anticipating customer needs.

SurveyMonkey, with its robust survey capabilities and keen focus on delivering intuitive customer analytics, finds a harmonious alignment with several future trends in the VoC landscape. Its prowess in capturing the essence of customer sentiment and morphing it into actionable insights earmarks it as a strong contender for your top VoC tools roster.

The evolutionary path of SurveyMonkey, aimed at furnishing better insights and understanding of customer needs, holds a promise of continued relevance in the VoC domain as it continues to evolve to meet the demands of the modern business landscape.

3. SurveySparrow

SurveySparrow ventures into the survey software sphere with a fresh breath of air, ushering in an engaging and conversational interface for soliciting feedback. The tool’s heartbeat lies in orchestrating a delightful survey experience for respondents, setting it apart from the crowd.

Conversational Analytics and Real-Time Dashboards

In the realm of Conversational Analytics and Real-Time Dashboards, SurveySparrow unfolds its real-time analytics and reporting capabilities, resonating with the real-time dashboards trend. This feature is akin to having a finger on the pulse of customer sentiments as they unfold in real-time, enabling businesses to react promptly to the evolving narrative of customer feedback.

Automation and AI

Embarking on the voyage of Automation and AI, SurveySparrow unfurls automation in survey distribution, aligning it with the automation trend. This automation horizon not only carves out a path of efficiency but also ensures that the process of collecting customer feedback is seamless and less time-consuming.

Integration with Other Tools

On the integration frontier, SurveySparrow’s prowess in integrating with other tools. This capability not only amplifies the utility of SurveySparrow but also ensures that the voice of the customer reverberates across various organizational platforms, fostering a cohesive understanding of customer sentiments.

Enhanced Product & Service Insights

Pivoting towards Enhanced Product & Service Insights, through the lens of surveys, SurveySparrow unveils valuable insights into the labyrinth of customer preferences and behavior. This ability to delve deeper into customer psyche aids in refining products and services to echo the desires and needs of the customer base.

Predictive Insights

Treading the path of Predictive Insights, akin to SurveyMonkey, although not explicitly a predictive tool, the analytics suite of SurveySparrow provides a window into understanding customer behaviors. This semblance of predictive insight, though indirect, serves as a compass in navigating the complex waters of customer expectations and behaviors.

SurveySparrow, with its emphasis on a conversational interface and engagement-driven feedback collection, finds resonance with the evolving trends in Voice of Customer technology. The tool’s prowess in offering insightful survey data, enveloped in a user-friendly design, underscores its potential to grace your top VoC tools list. The spirit of SurveySparrow’s commitment to enhancing customer experience through a feedback-centric approach is palpable in its features, carving out a niche in the crowded marketplace of VoC tools.

4. UserVoice

UserVoice unfurls its banner as a stalwart platform in the domain of product feedback management, carving a niche in empowering businesses to harvest, scrutinize, and act upon the seeds of customer feedback. The essence of UserVoice lies in its prowess to refine product offerings and elevate customer satisfaction, a testament to its alignment with the evolving VoC landscape.

Conversational Analytics and Real-Time Dashboards

In the domain of Conversational Analytics and Real-Time Dashboards, UserVoice offers real-time analytics, aligning with the trend of enhanced real-time dashboards. This facet of UserVoice lays the groundwork for businesses to not just gather but dissect customer feedback in real-time, a cornerstone in understanding and reacting to customer sentiments as they unfold.

Integration with Other Tools

In the aspect of integration, UserVoice offers a range of integrations with various platforms. These integrations enhance the functionality of UserVoice and facilitate a streamlined orchestration of customer journeys across different platforms within an organization.

Enhanced Product & Service Insights

Pivoting towards Enhanced Product & Service Insights, through the lens of comprehensive feedback analytics, UserVoice unveils a treasure trove of insights into products and services. This ability to delve deeper into the tapestry of customer feedback nurtures a fertile ground for understanding and orchestrating the customer journey, a pathway to refining products and services to resonate with customer expectations.

Predictive Insights

Treading the path of Predictive Insights, although not brandishing the flag of a predictive tool explicitly, the analytical suite of UserVoice casts a light on insights that serve as a compass in anticipating customer behaviors. This semblance of predictive insight, though indirect, serves as a lodestar in navigating the complex waters of customer expectations and behaviors.

UserVoice, with its comprehensive approach to harvesting and analyzing the fruits of customer feedback, showcases a tapestry of alignment with the budding VoC trends. The platform’s aptitude in centralizing feedback and cultivating actionable insights is commendable, making it a notable contender to grace your top VoC tools list.

5. GetFeedback

GetFeedback, a gem in SurveyMonkey's crown, unfurls as a highly intuitive survey software platform. Its essence lies in empowering the vanguards of businesses to craft engaging, branded, and mobile-friendly surveys, which are the linchpins in enhancing customer experience. The tool's armory of capabilities aligns well with the future trends in VoC technology, showcasing a harmonious resonance with the evolving needs of the Voice of Customer landscape.

Conversational Analytics and Real-Time Dashboards

In the realm of Conversational Analytics and Real-Time Dashboards, GetFeedback brandishes its sword with real-time analytics and reporting. This facet of GetFeedback lays the groundwork for not just gathering but dissecting customer feedback in real-time, a cornerstone in understanding and reacting to the ever-evolving customer sentiments.


Embarking on the journey of Automation, GetFeedback unveils its automation features for survey distribution and analysis. This showcase aligns with the automation trend highlighted by CX Today, reflecting a modernized approach to handling the pulse of customer feedback, with a touch of automation that streamlines the survey journey from distribution to insightful analysis.

Integration with Other Tools

In terms of integration, GetFeedback provides a variety of integrations with multiple platforms, aligning with the trend of Aligned Tools for Customer Journey Orchestration. These integrations not only enhance the functionality of GetFeedback, but also facilitate a streamlined coordination of customer journeys across different survey tools within an organization.

Enhanced Product & Service Insights

Moving to Enhanced Product & Service Insights, through comprehensive survey analytics, GetFeedback provides a wealth of insights into products and services. This capability to dig deeper into customer feedback helps in understanding and orchestrating the customer journey, a key to refining products and services to meet customer expectations.

Predictive Insights

Exploring Predictive Insights, although not explicitly designed as a predictive tool, the analytical features of GetFeedback provide insights that help in anticipating customer behaviors. This aspect of predictive insight, although indirect, aids in understanding and managing complex customer expectations and behaviors.

GetFeedback, with its intuitive design and seamless integration capabilities, showcases a tapestry of alignment with the emerging trends in Voice of Customer technology. The platform's aptitude in real-time feedback collection and analysis is in sync with the industry's move towards more real-time, actionable insights.

The focus of GetFeedback on simplifying the survey process, along with its alignment with the general trends of VoC technology, makes it a valuable addition to your top VoC tools list. The continuous effort of GetFeedback to refine its offerings to provide more value to its users is evident in its features and offerings, distinguishing it in the competitive VoC tools market.

Reflecting on Evolving VoC Trends

The analysis from trusted sources like Gartner, the UX Research Tools Map 2023, and CX Today has provided a solid foundation to understand the evolving trends in the Voice of the Customer technology landscape.

Top VoC Tools Overview

We've identified ClientZen, SurveyMonkey, SurveySparrow, UserVoice, and GetFeedback as significant players in aligning with these future trends. Each tool showcases unique features and capabilities, with ClientZen leading the pack in several aspects, like sentiment analysis and real-time insights.

Key Future Trends

Hyper-personalization, automation, customer journey orchestration, and real-time dashboards for agents are the primary trends shaping the Voice of the Customer landscape. The tools that align well with these trends are poised to deliver enhanced customer insights and experiences.

Emphasizing Customer-Centricity

The choice of Voice of Customer tools reflects an organization's commitment to understanding and engaging with its customers. It's a step towards not merely hearing but truly understanding the voice of our customers.

Looking Ahead

As we look towards the future, the right set of Voice of the Customer tools will be instrumental in navigating the complex domain of customer experience, enabling organizations to adapt and innovate in line with evolving customer expectations.

Conclusion - Making an Informed Choice

Choosing the right Voice of Customer (VoC) tool is crucial for advancing customer experience endeavors. This curated list of top VoC tools, grounded in thorough analysis and insights, aims to guide organizations towards making informed decisions that align with the evolving trends in VoC technology.

By harnessing insights from reputable sources like Gartner, the 2023 UXR Software Landscape Map, and CX Today, alongside a pragmatic examination of each tool's features and capabilities, we've strived to provide a clear pathway for organizations to find a tool that meets both their current and future needs in collecting customer feedback.

The journey towards better customer insights begins with selecting a tool that not only caters to current needs but is also aligned with the emerging trends in VoC technology. As the landscape of customer interaction continues to evolve, having a tool that excels in delivering real-time insights and robust ways to collect customer feedback is invaluable.

This list serves as a starting point, highlighting top contenders in the VoC tool space, and shedding light on their potential to facilitate better customer insights. In a competitive market, making a well-informed choice in VoC tools is not merely about meeting the status quo, but about staying ahead, understanding your customers better, and creating experiences that foster loyalty and satisfaction.

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David Pop

Marketing Manager at ClientZen