Real-Time Customer Feedback Monitoring

Track customer journey trends, detect anomalies, and receive instant notifications with ClientZen’s real-time monitoring capabilities.

Trusted by leading customer centric businesses


Stay Ahead with Real-Time Insights

ClientZen ensures continuous monitoring and instant analysis of customer feedback, enabling proactive service and timely intervention by detecting feedback spikes and trends before they escalate.

Immediate Issue Detection

Receive alerts about possible problems or errors before they become more serious.

Trend Spotting

Identify emerging feedback trends at an early stage.

Team Coordination

Keep your team informed with pre-made Voice of Customer (VoC) reports.

Proactive Engagement

Address negative feedback quickly to uphold customer satisfaction.

What our clients say


Reduced team workload


Drop in client
negative sentiment


Reduced time for support
“ClientZen lets us turn unstructured feedback from various channels into clear insights that support our product vision. With each release, we can see how the users react to it.”
Lucas Marchionne,
Voice of Customer manager
“ClientZen helps us save a lot of time by tagging automatically all the feedback from our customers. It shows us the most requested features and client pain points on the rise, so we can take action fast.”
Noa Lupu, Customer Success Lead
“It can sync automatically with our Zendesk and surface patterns automatically. We can check easily how often a problem appears and the most requested features.”
Mircea Serendiuc, product manager

Better customer experience with real-time data

Monitor Customer Journey in Real-Time

Effortlessly track every step of the customer journey, gaining insights into customer behavior and sentiment.
Monitor customer feedback anytime.
The whole customer journey map in one dashboard.
Track customer feedback effectively with a click.

Real-Time Sentiment Monitoring

Stay attuned to customer emotions and take quick action to address negative feedback, ensuring continuous customer satisfaction.
Detect and track customer churn.
Track customer sentiment 24/7.
Identify shifts in customer sentiment.

Continuous Feedback Monitoring

ClientZen’s real-time feedback monitoring provides a constant stream of customer data analysis, allowing for agile responses and improved customer experience.
Get notified on customer issues and requests.
Gain valuable insights to boost CX.
Quantitative data from qualitative insights.

Real-Time Customer Insights

Receive instant insights into customer feedback, enabling data-driven decisions and enhanced customer engagement.
Ask Mantra AI to identify trends.
Key insights with just a click.
Actionable insights with our Co-pilot assistant.

Empower your teams with
customer intelligence

Customer Support Manager

Now I can view top recurring issues and get alerted automatically.
Efficient and fast customer interactions.
Spot negative themes early for proactive issue management.
Custom training based on common issues.

Product Manager

My product roadmap is guided by real customer feedback, ensuring it meets their needs and desires.
New feature releases based on customer input.
Prioritizing tasks easily based on client needs.
Validate product decisions with direct customer feedback.

CX Lead

I can instantly identify client trends, organize data into topics, and track shifts toward key issues.
Full customer journey on one board.
Improved customer satisfaction.
Increased loyalty and retention.


I can better understand customer segments and target them more effectively.
Tailored marketing messaging.
Feedback-driven creatives.
Brand perception tracking.